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Examples of Wrongful Death Cases

Losing a loved one can be one of the worst moments of your life. Knowing that someone else is to blame can make it even more difficult. 

After your loved one’s passing, however, it’s normal for the family to feel more than just their emotional loss. End-of-life costs are often expensive, and the loss of your loved one’s economic contributions to the family can also be devastating. 

Read on to learn more about some common examples of wrongful death cases, and find out how an experienced personal injury attorney can help you fight for the compensation you deserve. 

Common Wrongful Death Cases

Wrongful death claims can result from any number of different situations. Some examples include:

  • Medical Malpractice – When the action or inaction of a medical professional falls short of the accepted level of care, leading to the death of a loved one, you could file a wrongful death claim to recover compensation related to end-of-life costs, as well as other economic and non-economic damages. 
  • Car Accidents – Car accidents can happen in the blink of an eye. A second is all it takes for tragedy to occur. When you lose a loved one in a car accident, we can help you fight for the compensation your family deserves. 
  • Construction Accidents – Construction is one of the most dangerous professions in the United States in terms of annual injuries and fatal accidents. In certain circumstances, you could file a wrongful death claim against relevant third parties that played a role in the death of your loved one. 
  • Defective ProductsProducts can be impacted by a variety of issues, such as unsafe design or even a lack of clear instructions for safe use. When this happens, you could hold the manufacturer, distributor, and even retailer of a defective product accountable in some cases. 
  • Pedestrian Accidents – Pedestrian accidents involving motor vehicles often result in fatal injuries. If your loved one was struck in a pedestrian zone, on a sidewalk, or similar, you could file a claim to hold the negligent party responsible. 

The death of a loved one is tragic, regardless of the circumstances. If someone else is responsible, you can let a wrongful death lawyer help your family file a claim for free. 

Reach Out to a Wrongful Death Lawyer Today

The scars of losing a loved one remain forever. Fortunately, with the help of a West Palm Beach wrongful death attorney from The Law Offices of Casey D. Shomo, you could recover a settlement that helps your family heal.

Call us at 561-659-6366 or fill out the form that follows to schedule a free, confidential consultation.